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Sunday, March 2, 2008

Recent Olivia-isms

Olivia's crying upstairs finally brings her daddy up from his study in the basement.

"I hear you crying up here."

"Yea, it was loud enough for mommy to hear it."

"But it's too loud and you don't need to do that."

"Yea, it was so loud, my room started to copy it."


"Oh man! I can’t get my poop to come out!"

..."Well, sometimes you have to sit there and wait a couple of minutes."

"No! My poop is stuck in there!"


"Sometimes I have to hold my breath a little to make my poop come out."


Out of the blue in the grocery aisle, not quietly:

"Some people are old, and some people are regular looking."


Near tears, "Conner, why didn't you bring me my po'corn! You confused me! You made me so sad!"


Ah, Olivia. We're still waiting for her to come out of her shell, that one. We really wish she would let us know how she's feeling once in a while.


the dragonfly said...

I love the "some people are old" comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Ditto to "some people are old." I know it must have embarrassed you, but oh, how I would have laughed if I had been walking by.

Anonymous said...

Hehe, no personality, that one. Expressive much?

Anonymous said...

Give that girl some magnesium! You knew one of was going to say that didn't you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the poop comment caught my attention. Do you need to borrow my duct tape, oh wait I need it for my daughter. lol