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Saturday, December 15, 2007


For you scrooges out there, or for people like me are just now realizing that Christmas is just around the corner and YOU'RE NOT READY.
The video is under three minutes -- just give it a few seconds to get to "Part II". Even non-scrooges can appreciate this one: a wry, dry rant about a Christmas gone awry.


Tam said...

I just read your blog on the Apraxia. I am also going through that with my two year old. He was not talking and the Ped referred us to the Federal Program of Babies Can't Wait. We are tricare also but I am standard and go off post now. What I understand is the program we are in is only until my son turns 3 and after that he will be in assessed through the public school system to recieve speech therapy from them even though he will not attend school until he is 4 or 5 depending on if we choose to put him in the public pre-k which is free but a lottery in GA. I am not sure if all states offer that but you could check in to that type of program. Also what I understand is that with Tricare Standard we can go to a Speech and Hearing Center for therapy. We were already approved but the center would not take us until we finish babies can not wait. We have a speech Therapist working with us once a week. It has been 4 months now and they have not officially said Apraxia but are leaning to that. According to the Speech Path...she says it takes about 6 months for a firm diagnosis. My little guy is so frustrated and has a high pitch squeal which will break glass. They also informed us of the low muscle tone in chest area. They tell us to make sure he runs and kicks helps...her little saying is...if it is not in the is not in the lips. We have made huge improvements. He can now say MA, DA, bye...which is huge..he turned 2 in August. He does sign alot and it has helped over the last few months. However, in public he gets very upset and will not sign. The speech path..says..that some kids will not sign in public because they are so smart and do not see others doing it. So they why am I. We have had like 6 hearing test and all kinds of stuff. They are looking at his palette..they say he has a high pallette but it is not abnormal. Well this is getting long..but feel free to email and I will..pass on any information they recommend to us..if you like. They did recommend a book called the late talker. Anyway feel free to email and I will share what we are doing here. It has really been a process but so far Tricare has been great working with us. Even if you could opt out for just a year or two to see about Therapy. We kind of did that...we do have the co pays but we just wanted to get him going on therapies so when this program ends we will be able to go to our Speech and hearing Center..they take Tricare. I am not sure of the visits per year but I have a year to worry about that. We are hoping that he will get the help in the public school and we can also go to the Center if he needs it. I know all this sounds confusing but feel free to email me if want to. It has been a journey already!

Kim said...

I LOVE this video. I am SO in agreement with this guy (especially this year without my husband home). I actually did my own little funny rant about being anti-secular Christmas at the Y this morning. I'm sure they all think I've lost my mind. Thanks for's great.

Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I love your pictures of snow. We are missing it so much after living in upstate NY for a couple of winters....we don't get any snow here....maybe the next move. That's one thing about our lifestyle--nothing's permanent.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

We loved this and even went back and watched some of their others. Very funny guys!

Jolyn said...

I knew you guys would get a kick out of them. I do wonder ... does Richie wear his own "jammie pants" on occasion in the safety of his own home office?!

Mary Alice said...

Those guys slay me. I laugh every time I see it.

Jolyn said...

Oh, Mary Alica, I wanted to give your blog credit for how I even knew of these guys, but I'm such a newb at posting through YouTube I didn't know how...
So I give you belated credit now! Mary Alice is a fellow military spouse and has a great sense of wit and humor on her own blog "From the Frontlines" -- you should all check it out. (Just click on her name.)